c/o Ordine Architetti PPC di Roma
piazza Manfredo Fanti 47 – 00185 Roma
It is a Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility (O.N.L.U.S.) established in Rome at the end of 2002 inspired by the analogous Spanish NGO: Arquitectos Sin Fronteras. ASF is a free association that works for the exclusive pursuit of social and humanitarian solidarity goals. ASF is committed to aiding economic, cultural and social development, both nationally and internationally, without any discrimination, and is independent of political, economic and religious influences.
Aims: acts with impartiality and independence in the implementation of integrated cooperation projects in developing countries and in the so-called “Fourth World”, providing assistance and initiatives in the construction sector in general; territorial, environmental and social infrastructures; the environment, landscape and urbanism; restoration and conservation of historical culture and historical, artistic and archaeological architectural heritage.
Areas of intervention: developing countries where the most disadvantaged populations live, in conditions of extreme poverty and in possible emergency conditions (post-war situations, seismic events, natural disasters, etc…). The Fourth World refers to the pockets of poverty, marginalization and social exclusion that exist in our territory. They are the most vulnerable segment of the population living in our country, in those geographical areas where the problems of “social, urban and territorial emergency” are most evident.