Made in Earth was formed by a group of architects who in 2010 launched some projects in India, in the Tamil Nadu region, on behalf of three humanitarian organizations: the Indian Terre des Hommes, Core Trust and the Swiss Main dans la Main. This nucleus was then expanded, adding other professionals and partners specialized especially in the fields of project management, economics, structural engineering and energy.
Made in Earth carries out humanitarian projects in developing countries, through the creation of architectures for the most disadvantaged communities, operating in the context of international cooperation.
Made in Earth acts as a link between beneficiaries, local NGOs and international funding, through the creation of a social network promoting development, culture and knowledge. New buildings are the main objects of intervention, but also recovery and conservation of the historical and artistic heritage.
The main lines of research focus on: development of innovative techniques based on traditional materials and methods; surveys on local cultures of living; sustainability in difficult situations. We also promote the training of young architects, engineers and designers through professional participation and the organization of workshops and seminars.